Significant Improvements All Around

It’s been a few months and I’m happy to say using ADO is enjoyable now. Many features have been measurably improved and old issues have been eliminated and minimized. I would like to thank Microsoft, most notably Chris, for their support, feedback, and guidance.

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A few people have questioned the screen dimensions complaint from my original post so I wanted to take a moment to clarify exactly what I meant.

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VSTS Outage

Wrapping up work for the day, I find myself checking my tasks and mentally planning for tomorrow. As I transition between screens gathering the last bits of information I need before signing off, it happened. Azure DevOps fell over.

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An Unsatisfying Adventure

As a software developer, I know first-hand how difficult it is to build quality products quickly and cheaply. It’s an art form that we sometimes get right, and other times devolves into something akin to the Obama era healthcare government site. Our level of control over the resulting product varies, and blame for failure often falls on the wrong people in the decision-making hierarchy. Microsoft’s Azure DevOps (formerly known as Visual Studio Team Services), despite clearly good intentions, is a perfect storm of bad decisions and poor execution.

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